load-carrying construction — laikančioji konstrukcija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. load carrying construction vok. lasttragende Konstruktion, f rus. несущая конструкция, f pranc. structure portante, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
load-carrying capacity — / ləυd ˌkæriɪŋ kəˌpæsɪti/ noun the amount of goods which a lorry is capable of carrying … Marketing dictionary in english
Modernized Load-Carrying Equipment — Original components of the M 1967 MLCE circa 1967 US Army infantryman wearing the M 1967 MLCE circa 1967 … Wikipedia
M-1956 Load-Carrying Equipment — The M 1956 Load Carrying Equipment [ LCE ] , also known as the Individual Load Carrying Equipment [ ILCE ] , replaced the M 1910 olive drab cotton canvas and web individual equipment which had remained in service, with various modifications since … Wikipedia
Personal Load Carrying Equipment — (PLCE) is the current tactical webbing system of the British Army. It consists of a belt, yoke (shoulder harness) and a number of pouches. Associated with PLCE webbing is a series of other similar load carrying equipment and rucksacks (See… … Wikipedia
load# — load n Load, burden, freight, cargo, lading are comparable when they mean something which is carried, conveyed, or transported from one place to another. Load is the most comprehensive of these terms, being applicable to whatever is carried (as… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
load draught — ➔ draught * * * load draught UK US UK (US load draft) noun [C] ► TRANSPORT the level to which part of a ship can safely go under the water when it is carrying goods, passengers, etc. without the ship sinking → Compare LADEN DRAUGHT(Cf. ↑ … Financial and business terms
load factor — ➔ factor1 * * * load factor UK US noun [S] ► TRANSPORT the number of paying passengers in relation to the number of seats available on a plane during a particular period: »The increased profitability for the last quarter reflects a rise in the… … Financial and business terms
load|ed — «LOH dihd», adjective. 1. carrying a load: »a loaded barge. The loaded apple trees in the orchard (John Ruskin). 2. with a charge in it. 3. weighted, especially with lead or the like: »a loaded stick or whip. 4. Informal, Figurative. full of… … Useful english dictionary
load line — UK US noun [C] (also Plimsoll line, Plimsoll mark) ► TRANSPORT a line on the side of a ship that shows the level below which the ship must not sink into the water when it is carrying goods, passengers, etc … Financial and business terms
load factor — load′ fac tor n. cvb the percentage of available seats, space, or carrying weight paid for and used by passengers, shippers, etc • Etymology: 1890–95 … From formal English to slang